Saturday, October 5, 2024

Spectacular Display of the Night Sky

Many times I had seen photos and videos of the colourful, dancing, polar lights, yet never did I expect that I would get to see it, as we live so far away from where they dance. 

On a summer night in Canada, there was a red alert for aurora visibility. We headed out to search for a dark place, away from city lights. It was around midnight. Suddenly, the dark night sky started coming to life. Faint colours in one portion of the sky gave way to brighter colours, and soon the whole sky around us was dancing with colours. Moreover, there was a fascinating display of fluid colours overhead. A unexpected, natural, delightful light show! 

Around the same time that the sky started to colour, there was also a distinct vertical white light, that seemed to cleave the sky, yet it didn't quite reach the horizon. On both its side was darkness. I had read about the 'false dawn', but had never tried to observe the phenomenon. That was another unexpected treat. 

Earlier that trip, and again that evening, I was also treated to another fascinating aspect of the night sky. For several months, we had been discussing when night falls. My position was, according to The Quran, that the night covers the Sun, so sunset is a clear indication of night. Moreover, according to a Hadith of our dear Prophet Muhammad  , during a travel, he pointed to the Eastern horizon and said to see when night begins there. And so, I was shown the night gradient on the Eastern horizon, while the Sun had not yet set on the Western horizon. 

All praises to Allah  سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎  for showing me so many signs, none of which I ever expected to see in my lifetime. Alhamdolillah summa Alhamdolillah.  

Related posts:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bay of Fundy

The Quran informs us that when Noah (Nuh عليه السلام) climbed in the Ark, the Earth was flooded with water. Later on, when it was over, the water receded. 

There is a place on Earth that displays this phenomenon daily. 

When we visited the Bay of Fundy, the water had almost receded. From the almost forty-eight feet high tide, we learnt later, that inundates the Bay every day, twice a day, what we witnessed was just very little water, receding away from us, as we walked towards it. It seemed unbelievable. 

Later on, when we returned and looked up the phenomenon, it was amazing to read all about this miracle that is witnessed daily. All praise and thanks to Allah  for showing us His miracles in the most gentle of ways, increasing our faith, and helping us know that all that is mentioned in His Book is real. 

Related Post: The Flood 

Growing Glaciers

A few years ago, by the Grace of Allah, I was able to travel near the base of a mountain range, and witness an amazing wonder. 

The jeep ride half the way up was very rough, and then it was a steep walking track, which I could not climb easily. So, we hired a horse and its rider to lead me all the way up to the valley, and beyond towards the base camp. It was three continuous days of luxurious travelling, like a royalty, even climbing upon, and getting off, the horse beside a high rock. 

The ride up was steep, with tall mountain on one side, and a deep ravine on the other. The valley we reached up was beautiful. Next, we undertook the journey towards the base camp of one of the tallest mountains. Trotting through beautiful streams of water amidst tall mountains, with an avalanche in clear view, at a distance, it was an idyllic journey. 

Next, as we cantered up closer towards the base camp, clear into view came rows of glaciers, spectacular to behold. They were rows of muddy brown and pristine white glaciers, running parallel to each other. The guide mentioned that the muddy glaciers were male, and the pristine white female, something we modern people mentally dismissed as folk tale. However, later on, I searched online, and to my amazement, learnt that actually glaciers are of two kinds, and if we want to grow a glacier, we need both kinds together. This is local wisdom that is applied to create a water source in dry seasons. 

All praise and thanks to Allah, who has created everything in pairs, and shows us His wonderful creations. 

Related post: Pairs of Glaciers

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Prevented from Hearing

 Recently, I heard about the testimony of a person who had his hearing sealed for a while, such that no doctor could cure it ... it was a wake up call for him to revert to the Deen. 

This reminds me of the one time that my hearing was temporarily blocked. Someone was reciting Surah alFateha, and I couldn't hear him. I could hear before and after everything that was said, but during those moments, I couldn't hear anything. I was scared. I understood that this was a warning. If The Quran was dear to me, I had to part ways. There was no other way. 

Alhamdollilah, I parted ways, and Allah , ذُو ٱلْجَلَالِ وَٱلْإِكْرَامُ , blessed me with knowledge from The Quran. 

In Surah al-Kahf, the young people who believed, were increased in guidance. They stood firmly for their faith, and their hearing was sealed while they were protected in the pit-cave. 

How beautiful is Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ 's love and care, how He protects us from harm, how gently, and just in time, allowing us to learn from our mistakes. Allah عزوجل is amazing. All praise belongs to Him, and all thanks belongs to Him. He is Great. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Averting an accident

Once upon a time, I was speeding on a flyover. It flew over the main road, and turned full circle to merge with the road below. 

Apparently, I was too fast. As I approached the curve, the speed was just too much to steer properly. As the wheels raced, it felt as if the car immediately and gently disconnected from the road, and someone just turned it safely along the curve, without it being noticeable. 

Alhamdolillah, by the Grace of Allah, ذُو ٱلْجَلَالِ وَٱلْإِكْرَامُ , I was saved from a terrible accident. 


Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Dog who couldn't Bite

Once upon a time, when I was a kid ... as I remember it: 

We went for a holiday to a hill station. My parents wanted to rest after the journey, while I was all excited about climbing the hills. So, I took permission and went off on my own to the hill next to our rest house. 

It was a small, green hill. I climbed up, and then it was time to descend. There was a dog  there. It started to come towards me. I got scared, and started to run. Knowing me, I probably also screamed. Stumbling downhill, I fell flat on the ground. The dog came upon me. 

Just at that moment, there was a man, clothed in a white robe, praying salah (Muslim contact prayer). He offered Salam, and picked a tiny stone, and threw it at the dog. Hurt, the dog quickly moved away. Alhamdolillah. May Allah bless the man who was there at that moment to help me. 

Goes without saying, I scrambled back down to the safety of my parents. Alhamdolillah.     

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Mosquito who wouldn't bite

 Many years ago, when Dengue was new in our city. 

My son got infected. He had fever and his blood test showed relatively low platelet count. Not very serious, but ill still. 

We have a tiny pond in our garden. There were fish living in the garden. The media was full of scary news about clean still water as breeding places for dengue-spreading mosquitoes. I was under pressure to empty the pond. The fish would have died. I resisted the pressure. 

As I was walking in the garden, I saw a nice, big, black and white striped mosquito sitting on a leaf. I looked at it, and it seemed to look at me. We stared at each other for quite a long time. It didn't seem interested in biting me. Just so you know, generally I'm a magnet for mosquitoes. They are quite eager to feast on me. So, this was strange. 

Alhamdolillah. Nothing happens without the express permission of Allah. I believe that at that time, this mosquito did not have the permission to bite me. Alhamdolillah. 

My son recovered in a few days. Alhamdollilah. 

Mosquito is the first non-human creature mentioned in The Quran in Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 26. Here's how I try to understand the ayat: Mosquito-borne Diseases