Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bay of Fundy

The Quran informs us that when Noah (Nuh عليه السلام) climbed in the Ark, the Earth was flooded with water. Later on, when it was over, the water receded. 

There is a place on Earth that displays this phenomenon daily. 

When we visited the Bay of Fundy, the water had almost receded. From the almost forty-eight feet high tide, we learnt later, that inundates the Bay every day, twice a day, what we witnessed was just very little water, receding away from us, as we walked towards it. It seemed unbelievable. 

Later on, when we returned and looked up the phenomenon, it was amazing to read all about this miracle that is witnessed daily. All praise and thanks to Allah  for showing us His miracles in the most gentle of ways, increasing our faith, and helping us know that all that is mentioned in His Book is real. 

Related Post: The Flood 

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