Friday, October 9, 2020

Pledging Organs

Throughout the early 2000s, I kept hearing about organ transplants and how it was saving lives. 

As a parent of a child with health issues, I knew I would desperately want my child to be able to receive organs if needed. So, as I would like others' organs for my child, I thought I should also pledge my organs, for the benefit of others, to be harvested when I no longer need my body. 

I asked religious scholars on the permissibility to pledge organs. Nobody had anything for or against organ transplants. Curiously, the people I asked, none of them had pledged their organs. It was strange that they would bypass such a wonderful opportunity to continue earning the rewards for a deed even after their death. 

Although unsure and hesitant, I decided that I will pledge my organs. Somehow, it didn't feel the right thing to do. So, I prayed to Allah that if this is indeed a noble deed, then let this be the 'zakat' of my body, and accept it from me. And if it is not a noble deed, then please protect me from the sin of it. I went and pledged my organs at SIUT Pakistan. I don't remember the exact date, but I think it was 2012 +/-1 year. 

In 2014, by the Grace of Allah, I started studying the science mentioned in The Quran. In 2017, I came to realise the significance of our body: its not we who no longer need our body, but that when our nafs tastes death, we transition from the living to dead state, and disintegrate. Dead is also a state of being, though we have no knowledge about it. We are made of dust, and we will be resurrected thus. We are our body! 

With that understanding, by the Grace of Allah, I un-pledged my organs, and informed my family and friends that I am no longer an organ donor, nor do I wish to be an organ-recipient, God-forbid, if such a medical situation emerges. 

I have explored the subject from various angles and have tried to share my learnings online for the benefit of the believers. The following are links to some relevant blogposts: 

Human: Body or Soul? 

The Case against Organ Transplant 
this post also contains links to other relevant learnings posted prior to it 

Our Record in Our Neck 

Non-Living & Living  

Alhamdolillah! I gratefully thank Allah for the guidance, and praise Him in All His Perfection. May Allah keep us all in His Mercy and Protection, always.