Friday, October 6, 2023

The Mosquito who wouldn't bite

 Many years ago, when Dengue was new in our city. 

My son got infected. He had fever and his blood test showed relatively low platelet count. Not very serious, but ill still. 

We have a tiny pond in our garden. There were fish living in the garden. The media was full of scary news about clean still water as breeding places for dengue-spreading mosquitoes. I was under pressure to empty the pond. The fish would have died. I resisted the pressure. 

As I was walking in the garden, I saw a nice, big, black and white striped mosquito sitting on a leaf. I looked at it, and it seemed to look at me. We stared at each other for quite a long time. It didn't seem interested in biting me. Just so you know, generally I'm a magnet for mosquitoes. They are quite eager to feast on me. So, this was strange. 

Alhamdolillah. Nothing happens without the express permission of Allah. I believe that at that time, this mosquito did not have the permission to bite me. Alhamdolillah. 

My son recovered in a few days. Alhamdollilah. 

Mosquito is the first non-human creature mentioned in The Quran in Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 26. Here's how I try to understand the ayat: Mosquito-borne Diseases

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